XII International Music Festival
Le strade d'Europa
2020 / 2021
The Artists in Residence of the 12th edition 2020/2021 is ARS Lituanica Trio
Rasa Murauskaitė. LRT. "Kodėl trio iš Lietuvos privertė šnabždėtis Italijos publiką"
Born in 1988 in Vilnius, Lithuania, DALIA DĖDINSKAITĖ is a laureate of national and international competitions, is one of the most prominent Lithuania’s violinists. She won the main prize at the international competition “Violine in Dresden” in Germany in 2010 after which she was invited to perform L. van Beethoven’s Violin Concerto at the prestigious festival “Dresdner Musikfestspiele 2012”.D. Dėdinskaitė has given concerts around Europe, the USA and New Zealand. She has also performed as a soloist together with the Lithuanian State Symphony Orchestra, the Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra, “Dresdner Kappelsolisten” and the symphonic orchestra “Carl Maria von Weber” of Dresden, conducted by Saulius Sondeckis, Juozas Domarkas, Georg Mark, etc. In 2014 Dalia debuted at the Wiener Musikverein with great success where she performed the world premiere of V. Barkauskas’ “Duettissimo”.It was her first teacher Elena Lašaitė who noticed her budding talent. Later Dalia continued her studies with prof. Jurgis Dvarionas, whereas lessons given by Christian Altenburger, Austrian violinist and a professor at the University of Vienna, left the most visible trace. At the moment Dalia Dedinskaite is holding a teaching position as an assistant of prof. Christian Altenburger at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. Since 2020she is the concertmaster of the Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra. For more information visit
Already at the age of 14, GLEB PYŠNIAK debuted as a soloist with the Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra (conductor: Prof. Saulius Sondeckis) in the Lithuanian National Philharmonic Society. The student of the legendary cellist Natalia Gutman performs in the most famous concert halls all over the world including the Wiener Musikverein, Royal Concertgebouw of Amsterdam, the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. As a soloist he has performed with the Symphonic Orchestra of the Moscow Conservatory, the Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra, the Lithuanian State Symphony Orchestra, the Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, the St. Christopher Chamber Orchestra, Riga Sinfonietta, the Porto Symphony Orchestra, to mention just a few. Gleb has received the highest evaluations in significant national and international competitions and an award from the hands of Valdas Adamkus, the President of the Republic of Lithuania, for promoting the country abroad. His first teacher Tatjana Kuc guided the cellist in his musical journey, which took him to studies with prof. Rimantas Armonas and prof. Johannes Meissl and was later enriched by the master classes of Yo-Yo Ma, Mstislav Rostropovich, Silvija Sondeckienė and Heinrich Schiff.
For more information visit
TADAS MOTIEČIUS – young, promising accordionist, assistant lecturer at Lithuanian academy of music and theatre. He is a graduate student of Saulius Sondeckis Art School in Šiauliai. In 2018 Tadas finished his accordion Masters studies with prof. Raimondas Sviackevicius in Lithuanian music and theatre academy where now he works as assistant lecturer. Tadas joined an international program in 2014 – ERASMUS, where he studied under one of the most famous pedagogue G. Draugsvoll, at the Royal Academy of Music in Denmark. Tadas was later enriched by the master classes of G. Draugsoll, J. Rattya, M. Luomma, S. Hussong, E. Moser, G. Stopa, D. Vendramin, C. Jaccomucci, C. Rojac, S. Zanchini, M. Pittocco, G. Dellarole. At such young age, he has already been awarded Lithuanian Queen Morta prize. He is the winner of multiple national and international competitions, and has been a part of many different festivals, seminars and projects. He has been awarded by V. Adamkus and D. Grybauskaite by certificates of appreciation from the ministers and mayors. He is a laureate of more than thirty competitions in Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, Czech Republic, Byelorussia, Ukraine, Estonia, Italy, Russia, France, Croatia and China. Tadas Motiecius has played in the halls of Tallinn, Riga, Gdansk, Copenhagen, Finland, Byelorussia, Latvia, Estonia, United States and Australia. During the summer in 2012, he joined an international orchestra to tour around Europe.
Currently, accordionist has been working with variety of artistic creators such as: Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theater, Klaipeda State Music Theatre; Baltic Chamber Opera Theater.
In the early 1300s Grand Duke Gediminas began to invite Jews from all over Europe to his expanding Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Thousands of persecuted Jews from many countries got a safe haven there to develop their culture, religion and intellectualism at a remarkably high level. When Napoleon in 1812 came to Lithuania, he was very puzzled by what he saw, and it was him who first named Vilnius 'Jerusalem of the North'.
Through 600 years, the Lithuanian Jews (the Litvaks) remained one of the most important pillars for development in Lithuania and neighbouring countries until the Holocaust tragically wiped out 95% of the Jews living in Lithuania. But around the world, descendants of the Litvaks still play remarkably strong, leading roles.
One of the most remarkable contributions that the Lithuanian Jews have made was to the World Musical Culture. World-famous musicians and composers - in the past and nowadays - such as Leopold Godowsky, Jascha Heifetz, Alexander and Mischa Schneider, Vlado Perlemuter, Maximillian Shteinberg, Aaron Copland, Joseph Achron, David Geringas, the Livschitz brothers, Vyacheslav Ganelin, Julian Rachlin, Anatolijus Šenderovas, and many others were and are either of Lithuanian origin or were born and raised in Lithuania.
Much has been written about them and their music, which has undoubtedly contributed to the awareness of them in Lithuania and beyond. The best way for music to live, however, is to be performed again and again so it is embraced by as many hearts and minds all over the World. Hence, this project - a meaningful attempt on the part of a group of Lithuanian musicians to connect past and present by following the footprints of the Litvak music heritage.
Ai primi del 1300, il Granduca Gediminas iniziò a invitare nel Granducato di Lituania in via di espansione gli ebrei da tutta Europa. Migliaia di ebrei perseguitati in molti Paesi trovarono qui un rifugio sicuro per uno sviluppo ad alto livello della loro cultura, religione e intellettualismo. Quando Napoleone, nel 1812, arrivò in Lituania, rimase molto colpito da ciò che vide, e per primo soprannominò Vilnius la “Gerusalemme del Nord”.
Nel corso di 600 anni, gli ebrei lituani (i Litvaks) rappresentarono uno dei pilastri fondamentali dello sviluppo della Lituania e dei Paesi limitrofi, fino a quando l’Olocausto spazzò via tragicamente il 95% della popolazione ebraica che viveva in Lituania. Ciononostante, ad oggi i discendenti dei Litvak continuano a svolgere un ruolo di primo piano a livello mondiale.
Uno dei contributi più significativi della comunità degli ebrei lituani è andato al patrimonio della Cultura Musicale Mondiale. Oggi come in passato, musicisti e compositori di fama mondiale del calibro di Leopold Godowsky, Jascha Heifetz, Alexander e Mischa Schneider, Vlado Perlemuter, Maximillian Shteinberg, Aaron Copland, Joseph Achron, David Geringas, i fratelli Livschitz, Vyacheslav Ganelin, Julian Rachlin, Anatolijus Šenderovas e molti altri sono di origine lituana o sono nati e cresciuti in Lituania. Molto è stato già scritto su di loro e sulla loro musica, contribuendo indubbiamente alla loro notorietà, tanto in Lituania quanto oltre confine. La musica, tuttavia, per vivere ha bisogno di essere eseguita, di manifestarsi per poter toccare quanti più cuori e menti in tutto il mondo. Da questi presupposti è nato il progetto, come importante tentativo da parte di un gruppo di musicisti lituani di unire passato e presente, seguendo le orme del patrimonio musicale dei Litvak.

Christmas Concert Streaming
Saturday 26 December at 7 pm
ARS Lituanica Trio
Dalia Dedinskaite violin
Gleb Pysniak violoncello
Tadas Motiecius accordion
The concert will be broadcast online at the established time through the Musica Vitale YouTube channel and Facebook page.